British Standard Lunch Breaks - Flower Drawing with Scribble & Daub

Spend 15 minutes with Scribble & Daub’s founder Caroline Kent in your Lunch Break and she will talk you through the making of a flower drawing as part of British Standard’s new series hosted on their Instagram account. For more information and to see the rest of the classes they have lined up visit You can watch the film at the bottom of this post…
If you don’t have a garden or hedgerow nearby to gather flowers and greenery to draw from, there are some fantastic British growers delivering flowers during Lockdown and having those around the house will cheer you up long after you have finished scribbling! Milli Proust’s garden-grown bunches are particularly beautiful and she sends them Nationwide, whilst Kitten Grayson will deliver stunning flowers grown at biodynamic farm Fern Verrow within the London area. Straw London have a great selection of dried flowers, or for something else long lasting and quite spectacular to draw, visit McBeans Orchid Nursery as somewhat incredibly, they are still delivering their precious plants by post.
Spend some time looking at how other artists, illustrators and craftspeople have approached the subject of flowers in completely different but equally brilliant ways to get ideas for your own work, from the jaw dropping simplicity of Ellsworth Kelly to the chaotic scribbliness of Cy Twombly, Lora Avedian’s embroidered beauties or Charlotte Trounce’s minimal magic. The natural world has been an enduring artistic subject for centuries and there are as many ways to approach the drawing of it as there are flowers and plants themselves, so find what you like and what works for you and have some fun.
And if after all that you are still not convinced about the merits of drawing yourself, you can download Caroline’s drawing here and just have fun colouring it in instead!