December 16, 2016

Christmas List

As a child I would spend hours poring over the Argos catalogue, meticulously folding down page-corners and making lists. Now the writing of my Christmas list is still at times a flight of fancy, but my sources are slightly more sophisticated. Dearest Santa, if you're reading this, here's what I would like to find under my tree this Christmas...
Everyone's favourite artist sums up what we're all thinking - Jeremy Deller bumper sticker £5 from Studio Voltaire
Five hundred Snakes Head Fritillary bulbs would get me some way towards filling the meadow with these strange chequered beauties next Spring - £16.50 per 100 from Shipton Bulbs
Deep green leather forever boots from By Far Shoes - £289 (but think of the cost per wear!)

Anything at all by Astier & Vilatte is entirely welcome here. This Mantes-La Jolie candle will have the added bonus of becoming the nicest place to keep my dip pens once it has finished filling the studio with delicious scent - £85 at Liberty
Perfectly practical pouches by Hay from Home Institute - £19 for 3
Effortless everyday Jane blouse by Doen $138
And underneath it, anything from Araks' beautiful array of bras!
Andy in festive spirit. I never get tired of looking at his illustrations - Andy Warhol's Ho Ho Ho book from £2.80 at Abebooks
And lastly, should you be feeling extra specially generous F.C, The Granchester Pottery's beautiful painting The Common Gardens of Hampstead from the brilliant CommonRoom if you please - £1,800 but worth every penny