April 02, 2023
Hoppy Easter!

I confess, the Easter bunny caught me on the hop a little this year and our new designs have only just nestled in online. These funny bunnies have been making me smile ever since scribbling them the other day, and I hope they make you and yours happy too...

My favourite thing about this particular celebration (besides the chocolate, obviously) is the Easter Tree (or twigs in my case). My mum was a German teacher and was given all sorts of sweet wooden decorations over the years which we'd bring down from the loft to decorate blossom branches chopped from the garden. Nothing quite on the scale of Christa & Volker Kraft though, who decorate the apple tree in their garden in Germany with 10,000 eggs every year!

If you want to add to your decoration collection or start a new tradition this Spring, the internet in its infinite bounty has revealed these adorable wooden bunnies, alongside lots of other traditional vintage ornaments on Etsy... Tie lengths of coloured ribbon to brighten up the branches, and loop streamers in spring colours above the dining table.
These adorable bunnies from Only Coco are crafted in the same town as our cards - Rye in East Sussex. They are delicious, and double as decorations too!
Egg-ceptional Eggs: I can't be the only person with a thing for those gorgeously coloured foil eggs hidden by the Easter bunny to which our new card design pays homage...
Whilst Pump Street's Easter Egg Hunt may not the most economical incarnation of these little treats, it is surely amongst the most deliciously desirable...

Hanky Pysanky: Some years ago, I spent a few months in Boston and for reasons still not entirely clear to me, enrolled in a Pysanky evening class - it's one of the best things I've ever done! If you'd like to have a go at this traditional Ukrainian craft there are so many resources online, and this kit should give you all you need to get you started at home - it would be a lovely thing to send as a gift to any children in your life this time of year too, as would Cook School's Easter Nest kit...

An oeuf is an ouef...if that all feels just a little too involved, try colouring some eggs with this natural dye kit for children and in a few years you might have made enough to give Christa & Volker a run for their money...!
May the bunny be good to you!