January 21, 2016

Scribble & Daub returns...

cass web bright

What a difference a day makes... Especially when those days turn into over a year, and your tiny baby turns into a curious toddler!

Caspar is not the only exciting change to happen at Scribble & Daub in the past year or so, but more of that shortly... For now, Scribble & Daub is just happy to be back in a blissfully quiet studio three mornings a week, merrily scribbling and daubing a select few bespoke projects

Scribble & Daub's next outing will be to Liberty making personalised Valentine cards in the Stationery Room on Friday 12th February

For all news and events (and snaps of life and work at Scribble & Daub HQ) follow @scribbleanddaub on Instagram

Wishing you a very Happy New Year!