Common they may be, but no less beautiful for it, Meadow Buttercup (Ranunculus Acris) is the meadows' supermodel, tossing their pretty blonde heads in the breeze atop willowy stems. According to that modern font of knowledge that is Wikipedia, Ranunculus means "little frog", since many species are found near water and this perhaps explaining their prevalence here on our heavy clay soil. It's been a nostalgic treat to teach Arlo that old childhood trick of "do you like butter?" and watch his delight as the golden glow appears under my chin.Despite the beauties nodding their heads outside my window which should make everything right with the world, life in the studio has been slow going this week. However, yesterdays' news that a couple of my favourite places will become Scribble & Daub stockists has cheered me up immensely, just in time for the weekend! Time to get daubing and put those orders in the post...#inthemeadow