August 05, 2016

Tufted Vetch

tufted vetchAt last the sunshine is back! Padded out barefoot over the warm wet grass this morning to have a look at Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca) which has made its home in a couple of patches of the meadow, growing leguminously (I'm fairly sure that's not a word, but I like it!) over and around all the plants in its wake to create a candyfloss cloud of bluey-violet flowers and a mass of leaves and twirling tendrils. It is one of my favourites, though I suspect I should be grateful it has confined itself to a few spots thus far, as not much else could survive the smotheration #inthemeadowA bit like anything unfortunate enough to be living in close proximity to Tufted Vetch, I have felt a bit smothered by everything of late, but this week has felt lighter, slower, and the more I have stopped struggling to try and do things, the more they have just happened. I am bestowing a Domestic Goddess award upon myself as I even managed to make rhubarb and apple icecream on Wednesday (though Nigella might see fit to revoke the accolade in light of the huge amount of swearing and mess created when the machine wouldn't work properly!) And last night we went for dinner to a magical place, Kino Teatr, on one of my favourite streets in the world, the Norman Road in St Leonards-on-Sea. French 75s, crisp linen napkins and silver cutlery, delicious - lemon parfait with honeycomb and cherry compote - and very sensibly priced food, two impeccably stylish elderly gentlemen in pale blue suits at a nearby table and a host of other people-watching opportunities, an old school piano player tinkling in the background, and afterwards, a chance to explore a Russian art exhibition and a 100 year old cinema with its own bar, all under one very stylish this new mood is helped by the fact Scribble & Daub is going on holiday to Corsica next week, and three out of the four residents of S&D HQ are quite excited about it  - the littlest one is oblivious, but will doubtless love all the ice creams. Wishing I was packing this...Happy holidays one and all, see you in a couple of weeks... 

lisa marie