April 26, 2017

World Stainonery Day

You may or may not be aware that today is World Stationery Day, and whilst I don’t usually hold with the contemporary proliferation of World Suchandsuch Days, anything established to encourage correspondence and the importance of the handwritten word finds favour with Scribble & Daub. In celebration of all things stationery, until Midnight tonight (Wednesday 26th April) you can use this special code WRITINGMATTERS to receive 15% off your entire order of hand-painted cards (and as always, UK shipping is free of charge)Click here to visit Scribble & Daub's shop...If you want to send proper post then you need a proper pen. Even the most terrible handwriting can be redeemed with a good fountain pen. This is my personal favourite, the Kaweco 'Classic Sport', first designed in 1934 by German company Kaweco which was established in 1883. Originally produced in black and burgundy, it can now be purchased in a myriad of colours from neon pink to racing green and is available from the world’s greatest stationery shop (and Scribble & Daub stockist) Choosing Keeping for a very reasonable £20. If you want to make an even greater investment in your handwritten correspondence, they also sell an incredibly beautiful tortoishell number, handmade by Mr Ohnishi, a master craftsman in Japan - but that is a slightly greater test of your commitment at £145!www.choosingkeeping.comJoin Scribble & Daub in celebrating the joy of proper post and the imperfect beauty of handwriting - send someone a card or a letter this week...