May 19, 2023
A Summer Workshop

A Summer Day Workshop…
Join Caroline on Saturday 2nd September for a magical day bringing together some of her favourite things; home-grown flowers to pick and to play with, delicious food with new friends, beautiful walks, and an afternoon of scribbling, with fine fizz and cake to finish...
For more information and to secure your place, please click here...

Our venue, Mountfield Court, is one of the most beautiful private houses in England, set in acres of rolling Sussex fields and woodlands that seem untouched by modern times. Within the grounds is an old walled garden, now tended by florist and gardener, Isobel How, who grows seasonal cut flowers, fruit and vegetables in its charming, crumbling walls.
In the morning... After coffee & home baked biscuits, Isobel will talk you through the basics of creating your own cutting garden, and you’ll be let loose in the sweet shop to snip bucketfuls of flowers. She will then teach you to arrange these in a simple hand-tied posy or vase arrangement for you to keep.
After a delicious lunch made from walled garden produce, and a chance to explore your surroundings, Caroline will introduce you to the technique of drawing with a traditional dip pen and ink, before taking the morning’s floral creations as our subject to make sets of illustrated floral notecards.
Absolutely no experience is necessary, this will be a fun and friendly day, with the emphasis on enjoying Summer’s bounty and learning simple new skills.
You will be rewarded for all your hard work with a generous slice of homemade cake and a glass of Mountfield Winery’s own award-winning English sparkling wine before carrying home your flowers and box of cards, dip pen and ink for future scribbling.
Saturday 2 September, 2023 from 10am-5pm
Tickets are £185 per person - click here to book your place...