June is one of my favourite months in the meadow, Ox-Eye Daisies start to appear in crowded patches everywhere, and from the bench under the pine trees I can see them all swaying in the sunshine - ideally with a post-bedtime ice cold G&T clutched in my hand. The Ox-Eye Daisy is apparently a symbol of Patience, which is somewhat ironic as that's been something in slight short supply here this week as I've tried to organize one baby's thanksgiving party, two birthday parties for a very overexcited 5 year old Lego obsessive, and all whilst keeping up with the usual scribbling and daubing. That said, I'm quite pleased with this one, so have decided four daisy cards will be winging their way to Caspar's odd-parents shortly, tokens of a beautiful sunny party #inthemeadow this weekend to celebrate our littlest boy.
July 01, 2016