The life-changing magic of colouring-in...

After a long bank holiday weekend, half term is here - not that any of us can really tell the difference! For those with small people to entertain through the yawning days, or anyone who is struggling with the lethargy of lockdown, colouring-in can be a brilliantly absorbing and calming way to spend some time. We had such a great response to the film and drawing Caroline created during her Flower Drawing project with British Standard earlier this month, that we have added a second printable made on the same day to join it - you can now download Columbines and Tulips for free here (and the original Bluebells here). Watch Caroline colour the drawing in this short film, and then have a go yourself - use any materials and colours you like and have to hand - these tulips were green & white, but who’s to say yours can’t be orange or pink and yellow stripes, just have some fun…