May 06, 2016
Wild Tulip

On this glorious sunny morning, Tulipa bakeri are clustered at the top of the meadow under the pine trees. It's a fried egg of a flower with bright pink petals spread wide and yolk-yellow centres soaking up the sunshine. Found growing wild in parts of Greece and Turkey, it should naturalize well in Britain too, and a couple of years since I planted them, they seem quite at home.The sunshine is unequivocally a good thing for the tulips, but for those of us who are supposed to be working, it is something of a mixed blessing; I see them from the studio window, and part of me would much prefer to be up there basking alongside them! Fortunately, there is exciting work to be done this morning, and I shall be making an outing to Rye later to see the first of my new cards being letterpress printed, ready for me to colour in...#inthemeadow