You Are What You Give (Christmas Edition) with... Calandre Orton

"I find myself hankering for experiences rather than having ‘things to unwrap’ and so this is my list of things that will adorn the every day or make for special occasions.
A Yetton Sweater Vest, Made to Order/Tidy Street General Store "I have just bought one from Tidy Street General Store and it’s amazing, British wool and knitted in Sussex. They are all handmade to order. At this time I feel that we are all yearning for connection, joining the dots on who, how and where things were made. The idea that these are knitted in my own county, feels pretty special."
National Art Pass, £75 "I find myself in haste dashing to the obvious big blockbusters which are all too often ruined by people oversharing what they saw on social media. This encourages me to find the smaller, off beat, out of London galleries and museuems."
Jess Wheeler and Kitten Grayson Wreath, £480 "I adored this collaboration right from its beginnings – two talented souls. And I love the idea of bringing it out year after year"
Thomas Heatherwick Book Humanise, £15 "Spoiler. This is what all my clients are actually getting for Christmas from me. Perhaps time to sit and read this Christmas would be the real gift!"
East London Cloth Key Tassel, £28 "Because my office keys are in dire need of cheering up"
Perfumer H Candle, £155 "I would love to go on a journey to the Paris store, and also her new one in Taipei – again a hankering for experiences"
Palefire X 8 Holland Street Lamp, £770 "I am a huge admirer of both Palefire and 8 Holland Street. In fact, can I add a night’s stay at the Townhouse?! This is my absolute favourite that I am saving up for."

The GentleWoman Subscription, £40 "I am all about analogue. All fountain pens and magazines and post it notes. I adore magazines. They stand in precarious stacks all over my home. I like the long form writing here. A real treat."
Minnie-Mae Studios I've Bean Loving You plate £150 "My youngest daughter’s nickname is Beanie."

Before Breakfast Weekly Notepad Planner, £13 "Until Scribble & Daub start making these, this is my alternative! You’ve guessed it, I am a planner!"
Apilco Coffee Cups "My family had these back in the 80s and I am slowly gathering a collection. Thank you eBay."
Tillingham Wine Tour, £35 "More Sussex magic. I find myself increasingly curious about the making of wine in England. I would love to understand more."

What's the best Christmas present you ever received?
Portraits by Emma Croman